Redraw Test

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Redraw Test

Postby Fayrix » Mon May 21, 2018 5:17 am

Name: Fayrix
Availability: since it's currently summer break, available whenever
Brought by Lucifer's Right Hand, willing to work on whatever*
Software: Photoshop
Experience: none, completely new at this

*since I've little confidence with this being my first time, I am testing the waters with the general test before attempting the "difficult" files ;^^ ...

Well, I tried...looking forward to the pointers. :)

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Re: Redraw Test

Postby Wraith » Mon May 21, 2018 3:22 pm

Hi, Fayrix, thanks for your application!

Our Head Redrawer, TheShittyWiz, is going to post some pointers later. For now, suffice it to say that it was quite a decent first attempt, but you don't pass just yet.

We'll be delighted to assess future attempts should you choose to reapply.
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Re: Redraw Test

Postby theshittywiz » Mon May 21, 2018 4:28 pm

Hey Fayrix! I'm TheShittyWiz, head redrawer at DT, here to give you a full assessment of your test.

Overall, the test looks promising for your first time, but there are a few things which need reworking.

I'll be going over the test page-by-page.
Page 1: This page simply isn't a pass and needs to be redone from the beginning. The biggest problems on this page are the use of the cloning tool and the linework. The cloning tool has at times been used at wrong angles, example: this part of the wall isn't in line with the rest.
The line work on the page is inconsistent, a good example is this wall, notice how the wall starts out a straight line but then starts slightly curving, if you have trouble drawing straight lines using the brush tool, you can just use the line tool instead. Additionally, the wall also changes thickness and colour, going from a black to a gray, then becoming a thick black for a short while, and afterwards turning gray again, if you have a hard time adjusting how black/white the line is, you can use the burning/dodging tools to adjust it.
Make sure you redraw everything so it looks as natural as possible, take a look at these trees, there are 'holes' in the treetops left after the kanji that were there originally, this makes them look unnatural, you also forgot to redraw this character, which is a basic but critical mistake.

Page 2: looks very good overall, the only mistake was this part which you forgot to redraw.

Page 3: Also looks good, only mistake here was this cloning.

Page 4-6: These pages all look great, no complaints here!

So, if you want to retry you would have to completely redo page 1, and retouch page 2 and 3.

Final note: When you redraw, make sure to thoroughly check what you're doing and how it looks, both during and after the redrawing process, it's very easy to make mistakes while redrawing, therefore it's important to stay vigilant at all times, this holds especially true when you use the cloning tool, since it's very easy to make small mistakes which pile up over time.
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Re: Redraw Test

Postby Fayrix » Tue May 22, 2018 2:15 am

Hi, thanks for the tips. I knew 10_152 would be the one with the most problems...hopefully I've fixed most of the issues there.
Anywho, here's the repairs for that, as well as the small fixes on the Cradle pages. ...
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Re: Redraw Test

Postby theshittywiz » Tue May 22, 2018 10:32 am

Hello again Fayrix

Thanks for redoing the test so quickly, and congratulations on passing the test!

After looking over the test, I haven't found any major flaws with it, overall both cradle pages look great with little to fault. There are still some small issues with 10_152, but nothing major enough to fail you, and, while you have passed the test, and don't have to fix anything, I would still like to tell you some of the problems for future reference:
1. This wall over here has been mostly fixed, as it is a straight line now, however, the issue of it changing thickness still remains, you should either make the entire line have the same thickness or make it so changes in thickness feel natural and not abrupt.
2. This house feels unbalanced, it feels like the roof has been shifted more towards the left side, meaning that the two lines going to the top of the roof are different angles, one having roughly a 45° angle, while the other has a 30° angle. This makes the house stand too much out since it doesn't fit in with the rest of the scenery.
3. This is less criticism and more just a general tip. Remember to practice using the cloning tool, since there are still a few places you've cloned, which looks a bit blurry and/or iffy.

And that's it for me, overall a good looking application and, again congratulations for passing.
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Re: Redraw Test

Postby Wraith » Tue May 22, 2018 1:32 pm

Sent you a PM.

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