Cleaner Test

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Cleaner Test

Postby astroboogie » Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:54 am

Name: AstroBoogie
Availability: A lot until February, then I can tentatively do 4-8 hours/week.
What Manga You're Interested In: Suicide Island brought me, but I'd love to do anything survival/apocalyptic/horror/etc.
Software: Photoshop CC
Experience: Never scanlated before, excited to learn!
Other Groups: None

Pngs: ... FUp7Hlbd_3
Psds: ... OacomXZWTL

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Re: Cleaner Test

Postby Wraith » Mon Dec 24, 2018 3:32 pm

Hi, astroboogie, thanks for the offer of help.

I'm Wraith, the admin of Death Toll Scans. I'm a translator, but I know enough of cleaning to perform triage of new applications. Those that show promise are forwarded to the Head Cleaner, Leviathan.

I'm afraid that your application is lacking in many ways and needs significant improvement before passing triage. You still need to work on your skills.

This is an abridged list of problems:

i. You failed to see that pages 1 and 2 are halves of a double spread and must be pre-joined.

ii. All pages that needed dusting didn't get it.

iii. Levelling wasn't performed properly, if at all.

iv. The individual pages of page 7 weren't split in the PSD version. Cleans in PNG aren't acceptable, even for testing purposes.

v. We… don't understand why you changed the edges from black to white on page 8. It's black because it's a flashback.

You showed one good instinct, though: not discarding pixels and doing everything non-destructively. However, sizing has to be destructive, otherwise the files become gigantic and very hard to work on. Preserve pixels just from rotacropping and you're golden. In case of messed up sizing, the cleaning has to be redone from scratch anyway because size affects other manipulations. You also showed good instincts for final size in the PSDs, but not on the PNGs.

If you get the basics right, it's possible that subtler problems will emerge, but presently you should focus on mastering the basics.

Here are two tutorials on cleaning that should help:

- The basics, by a former member of Death Toll: ... .docx?dl=0

- A very detailed treatise on cleaning that will teach you many sophisticated techniques: ... sp=sharing (It's not exhaustive, but if you master all that is in it, you'll be able to cleaning most kinds of raws, though it focus on physical tankies.)

Feel free to reapply if you want, we're delighted to reassess test if they show improvement.

Good luck!

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