Suicide island release plans?

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Suicide island release plans?

Postby Veggie50 » Mon Jul 11, 2016 9:52 am

Hi folks,

It's been a while since a suicide island chapter was released. In the last chapter I read there have been mayor problems with it, but I was wondering if there are any plans to pick it back up, and if so, on what sort of timeline that would be.

Hope to get an answer!

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Re: Suicide island release plans?

Postby Wraith » Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:17 am

Well, the series seems to be jinxed.

The moment we got someone to do it at long last, they disappeared without a trace. So all this time I have been scrambling to find good quality raws and a new editor. I found them last week, and now the next chapter is being cleaned and redrawn. However, I cannot give a release schedule because the editor is very busy right now. Sorry.
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Re: Suicide island release plans?

Postby Veggie50 » Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:17 pm

Honestly, I'm already quite pleased it's being worked on at all, I figured you had dropped it ^^

Keep up the good work!
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Re: Suicide island release plans?

Postby Wraith » Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:18 pm

We'll do our best. Actually, I have translated the next four chapters already.
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Re: Suicide island release plans?

Postby ILikeTurtles » Thu Sep 15, 2016 9:04 pm

Hello, just like the author of this thread I wonder about the current status of Suicide Island scans. Did they get dropped?
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Re: Suicide island release plans?

Postby Wraith » Thu Sep 15, 2016 9:19 pm

Well… no, but it might soon be if no one helps us.

We have two chapters cleaned and typeset, but the redrawer has vanished.

That redrawer is also the cleaner, but cleaning might be amenable to automation with an action. However, we would still need a redrawer for it.

I have a supplier of high-resolution raws, a typesetter and a proofreader in the ready. And I have translations up to chapter 114. I can translate this very quickly (about one hour to cover a chapter), but if no one applies to help us, I'll probably drop it altogether and go back to releasing just scripts at Batoto for whomever wants to use them.
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Re: Suicide island release plans?

Postby Wraith » Fri Sep 16, 2016 1:27 am

I have sent you a response to your PM, ILikeTurtles ^_^

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