How to Apply [Proofreader]

Translators and proofreaders
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How to Apply [Proofreader]

Postby PervySageChuck » Sat Mar 21, 2015 5:01 pm

So... You want to be a Proofreader, eh? Well, here are some basic requirements for all of you potential Grammar Nazis:

  1. You must have a thorough knowledge of the English language. (Able to read, write and converse comfortably with even the most backward, inbred Southern Redneck or stuffy, stuck-up, snobbish Damn Yankee. Optional ability to understand super laid back Californians is also a plus!)

  2. You should be aware that "Spelling Checker" programs are NOT to be trusted! When in doubt, it is best to have a decent collegiate dictionary handy.

  3. If you don't know how to choose the proper homonym or whether or not to use an article such as "a", "an" or "the" in a text, you WILL be strung up by your genitalia and slowly lowered into a pit filled with hungry zombies!

  4. Since literal translations will occasionally sound awkward in English, you need to have a good sense of alternate phrasing that will BOTH maintain the basic meaning of the author's original text AND keep the flow of dialogue in English logical and entertaining to our readers. (This does NOT give you free license to rewrite a text to suit your own warped and twisted sense of humor, as the many scars on my back from Death Toll's Grand Inquisitor will attest!!!) Be aware that the Translator has final approval on any word or phrase changes that you make, so you should be willing to work WITH the Translator and logically defend any changes that you wish to make to a text.

  5. One of the duties of the Proofreader is to format your proof in such a way as to make the Typesetter's job both easier and less likely to have texts placed in the wrong location within a panel or on a page. I developed a format that requires more time on my part to work with. If you can find an easier format to use that does the same job, feel free to show me your example so that I can derisively laugh at you while pointing my finger at you behind your back while all of your friends and family are watching!

All applicants will be sent a test to be evaluated by Death Toll's Head Proofreader. (That's ME!!!) The test will usually be a recent translation of a chapter that has NOT yet been released. You will have 7 days to finish the test... And I advise you to take your time to get it right as careless mistakes from rushing your work will NOT be acceptable! (Please refer to item #3 above for what happens to Proofers who rush their work!)

Here is some basic info that Death Toll will require of you:

Code: Select all

[b]Name:[/b] Put whatever name you want to be credited as here.

[b]Availability:[/b] Write how often and when you are available here.

[b]What Manga You're Interested In:[/b] What manga brought you here? Which series do you want to work on?

[b]Software:[/b] What software will you be using?

[b]Experience:[/b] Have you ever done scanlation work before?

[b]Other Groups:[/b] What other scanlation groups are you currently in or have worked with in the past?

Optional info needed for Ol' Pervy's disgusting, depraved, and deviant private use:

If you are a male: Are you gay? ( I hope so, since I don't need any more competition for the attention of Death Toll's lovely ladies than I already have to deal with. It is SOOOOOO difficult for an aging, ugly, pot-bellied, senile old pervert like me to get their attention in the first place!!!)

If you are a female: What are your three sizes? Do you like wearing sexy lingerie? Do you like to Cosplay? And do you know how to use a baseball bat to control perverts like me? (My sister offers FREE lessons to all women who are almost certain to be offended, stalked or sexually harassed by me at some time or another!)

Thank you for your attention. We now return you to your regularly scheduled manga, already in progress.
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Re: How to Apply [Proofreader]

Postby tsubomi-san » Mon May 18, 2015 9:29 pm


What is the recommended software for proofreaders? My computer is not very fast, and im not quite sure I can afford anything right now.

Thanks for your time!
Tsubomi -3-
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Re: How to Apply [Proofreader]

Postby Wraith » Mon May 18, 2015 10:03 pm

That I can answer.

Any word processor will do. The script is normally generated in DOC or RTF format (I've also seem TXT), and you edit it directly. So MS Word, Open Office and others of the kind are more than enough.

You normally need to look at the raws to follow the script while you proofread it, but as the raws are in JPEG or less often in PNG format, the Windows Picture Viewer is enough for that, and I'm sure other operational systems have equivalents embedded into them. You don't need to have Photoshop.
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Re: How to Apply [Proofreader]

Postby tsubomi-san » Tue May 19, 2015 1:10 am

Well, thanks for your enthusiasm.

Sprite doesn't have an open proofreading position right now. It needs specialised proofreading for the current arc, because the translator decided to use archaic English (Elizabethan, or as good an approximation as we can manage). So the job has been given to Pervy himself, and I am also helping. (I'm not a native speaker, but I read Shakespeare in English.)

We do have an open position for Suicide Island, I believe, but I have to confirm that with Pervy.
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Re: How to Apply [Proofreader]

Postby tsubomi-san » Tue May 19, 2015 1:46 am


Really this my first time any sacnlation group, so maybe ill leave the old English to more experienced members.
Honestly, I hoped to work on sprite but I am content with doing anything else. Also, in a few of your updates as I was reading Sprite, you mentioned you were translating, as well as QR'ing, and no you say your proofreading as well! That's a lot on one persons late! Or is proofreading a part of g? That would make sense.

I'm more than willing to help in any way possible!
Tsubomi-San :nom:
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Re: How to Apply [Proofreader]

Postby Wraith » Tue May 19, 2015 1:58 am


my official position at Death Toll is as a translator, my current series being Ouroboros, Demon Assassins, Destroy and Revolution and Suicide Island. (It may sound like a lot, but only Ouro and SI have regular releases as of now.)

Sprite is the domain of Momimomi-senpai, the Head Translator. It's not that I proofread it, but I do emend the typeset while quality-checking, because I can collate it against the original and adjust any archaisms that are improperly used. I was recruiting for someone to replace me as QC'er for that series, but I gave up on it because I don't think our chances of finding someone conversant with Elizabethan English are very high. I'm a second pair of eyes to help Pervy.

Well, we will be glad to take you in if you pass Pervy's ordeal of fire. We do have quite a few scripts that haven't been released yet, so it should be feasible to put you to the test as soon as you are willing to take it. Just send Pervy or me a PM when you want to take it. Pervy, of course, will give you your assessment.

Good luck!

P.S.: By the way, sorry for having edited your post with my response, I clicked the "edit" instead of the "reply" button by accident.
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Re: How to Apply [Proofreader]

Postby tsubomi-san » Tue May 19, 2015 2:10 am


Its ok.. I misclick buttons all the time.
I can take the assessment but can NOT start until a later date.
This is mainly due the fact that my computer needs new parts. School gets out this Thursday, and the next Friday following my da is picking me up where we will visit my brother for memorial day weekend. Late Sunday, early Monday, I will leave for is house, where I can be a bit more.... Available so to speak. I can work until Wednesday probably. But that's just a rough guess.

Hoping we can work around my busy schedule~
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Re: How to Apply [Proofreader]

Postby Wraith » Tue May 19, 2015 2:24 am

Very well. I'll let Pervy know and we will send you a message later with a script for you to proof.

By the way, from which manga or anime is the picture you chose for your profile here?
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Re: How to Apply [Proofreader]

Postby tsubomi-san » Tue May 19, 2015 2:44 am


Sorry for the late reply, I was eating a very nummy piece of Texas Sheet Cake. *omnomnom* :nom:
Anyway, the picture is from Okinwa or Okana or something. I noticed how NOONE had a profile picture, and me being the little deviant I am, goggled one. X3 =B
Eagerly awaiting further communication~
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Re: How to Apply [Proofreader]

Postby kabuto » Tue May 19, 2015 9:26 pm

I could have sword that was from Haikyuu XD

NEVER google your username, I just wanted to know what anime it was from and all I got was a bunch of porn TT TT

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