Satanophany Chapter 03 (with Anima Régia Scantrad)

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Satanophany Chapter 03 (with Anima Régia Scantrad)

Postby Wraith » Fri Apr 14, 2017 12:59 am

I can't believe we're well on our way to catch up with Japan on this when several of our beloved projects are stalled :(

Chapter 3

It is also available via Batoto and IRC and can be downloaded from the reader, too.

We need editors across the board, including a typesetter for this. Please apply!

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Re: Satanophany Chapter 03 (with Anima Régia Scantrad)

Postby Mii » Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:00 am

I swear I am reading it only because of the comments.
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Re: Satanophany Chapter 03 (with Anima Régia Scantrad)

Postby Wraith » Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:04 am

You're not the only one, Ryan is only proofing it because of the comments, too (the ones by Yothen and the ones he adds himself) XD
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Re: Satanophany Chapter 03 (with Anima Régia Scantrad)

Postby laylaylb » Fri Apr 14, 2017 8:12 am

Yuri prison manga...but no yuri tag...? Disappointed.
How many yeets can you yeet? -3-
I can clean mangos - past & current project/group list/status:
Will clean for any group for the summer.

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